
Non Profits Accounting Software: When To Change Or Upgrade

Non profit organizations are under increasing pressure to maintain efficiency, transparency, and compliance. Non profits accounting software is not just a tool but a critical component of operational success. If you’ve been managing your organization’s finances using an outdated system or if your needs have evolved, you might be wondering whether it’s time to change or upgrade your accounting software. This guide will help you make this important decision, offering insights and practical advice to ensure your non profit’s accounting processes are optimized for growth and efficiency.

non profits accounting software

Signs You Need To Change Your Non Profit’s Accounting Software

Running the funds of a non profit organization is not an easy task. As your organization grows, so do its financial needs. There may be a better option out there if you are having trouble with the limitations of your current accounting program. Here are some clear signs that it might be time to think about upgrading:

  • Your Organization Has Outgrown the Software: As your non profit expands, its financial management needs become more complex. If your current software struggles to keep up with increased data volume or complexity, it’s a sign that it may be time to explore more advanced options. For instance, if your software can’t handle multiple fund accounts or complex reporting requirements efficiently, an upgrade could offer significant benefits. Solutions like outsourced controller services can also help manage this transition effectively.
  • Frequent Updates Fail to Resolve Issues: Software updates are meant to fix bugs and enhance functionality. These updates might fix problems temporarily,but if the problems persist, it could mean that the software isn’t meeting your needs anymore. An upgrade might be necessary to address ongoing performance problems.
  • Training and Add-Ons Aren’t Helping: You’ve likely invested time in training your team and integrating add-ons to improve your current software’s functionality. If these measures haven’t delivered the desired results, it may be worth considering a switch to software that better aligns with your organization’s needs.
  • Software Compatibility Issues: Modern technology and business practices evolve rapidly. If your accounting software struggles to integrate with new technologies or systems, it might hinder your organization’s ability to stay current and efficient.
  • Persistent Service-Level Problems: If you’ve tried all options with your software provider to improve service levels but are still encountering issues, it might be time to look for alternative solutions that offer better support and performance.

Making The Decision To Change Or Upgrade

Before making the decision to change or upgrade, let’s look at all your options with your current software. Here are some scenarios where giving your current software another chance might be beneficial:

  • Training and Support Options: If issues with your current software are due to a lack of proper training, consider investing in additional training for your team. Sometimes, enhanced understanding and using of the software can resolve operational challenges. Nonprofit accounting services can offer guidance on selecting a more suitable system and ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Integration of New Add-Ons: Many software platforms offer additional features or integrations that can enhance functionality. Consider whether integrating new add-ons could improve the performance of your current software.
  • Vendor Support and Service Levels: Communicate with your software provider to address specific issues and explore solutions they may offer. Sometimes, working closely with the vendor can lead to improvements in service levels and software performance.

Changing software is a big deal. There are costs involved, and it takes time and effort to implement. But the benefits can be huge. Think about increased efficiency, better decision-making, and a happier staff. It’s an investment in your non profit’s future.

Is It Time To Automate?

Manual processes can be time-consuming, error-prone, and hinder operational efficiency. Consider automation if you find yourself:

  • Over Reliance on Spreadsheets: Complex financial calculations and reporting within spreadsheets can be inefficient and prone to errors.
  • Data Inconsistencies: Transferring data between multiple systems manually increases the risk of inaccuracies.
  • Bottlenecks in Workflow: If one person is responsible for crucial financial data, it creates a single point of failure and limits scalability.

Automating these processes can streamline workflows, improve accuracy, and free up staff for more strategic tasks.

Embracing Technology

Embracing new technologies can offer significant benefits:

  • Enhanced Compliance: Automation reduces manual processes, reducing the risk of errors and non-compliance.
  • Improved Stakeholder Satisfaction: Streamlined operations and accurate data contribute to better service delivery for clients, donors, and internal stakeholders.
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Automating routine tasks frees up staff to focus on strategic initiatives and value-added projects.
  • Expanded Funding Opportunities: Efficient operations and data-driven insights can increase the likelihood of securing new funding and grants.
  • Future-Ready Organization: Staying up-to-date with technology guarantees your nonprofit can adapt to evolving industry standards and market demands.
changing accounting software

Benefits Of Upgrading Your Accounting Software

Non profits accounting software updates can bring a host of benefits:

  • Enhanced Compliance and Reduced Risk: Modern non profits accounting software is designed with compliance in mind. It can help you stay on top of regulatory requirements and reduce the risk of errors or oversights. This is particularly crucial when preparing for audits. Our Expert Non-Profit CPA Tips: 10-Point Audit Checklist can be a great companion to your new software, ensuring you’re always audit-ready.
  • Improved Stakeholder Service: With better reporting and data management capabilities, you can provide more transparent and timely information to your board, donors, and other stakeholders. This increased transparency can boost confidence in your organization and potentially lead to increased support.
  • More Value-Added Projects: Just think about what your team could get done if they didn’t have to enter and reconcile data by hand. Advanced accounting software automates many routine tasks, freeing up your staff to focus on more strategic, mission-driven work.
  • Better Funding Management: With improved tracking and reporting capabilities, you can manage your funding sources more effectively. This can lead to better budget forecasting and potentially open up new funding opportunities.
  • Time for Strategic Growth: When you’re not constantly trying to fix broken systems, you have more time to focus on the big picture. This could mean developing new programs, expanding your reach, or innovating in your field.

Evaluating Your Current System

Before you jump into a new system, it’s important to thoroughly evaluate your current one. Here’s how:

  • Assess Performance and Limitations: Make a list of what your current system does well and where it falls short. Be specific. This will help you identify must-have features in a new system.
  • Identify Manual Processes: Look for tasks that are currently done manually. Could these be automated? Modern systems often have features that can save hours of manual work.
  • Analyze Reporting Capabilities: Can your current system easily produce the reports you need? If you’re spending hours compiling data from different sources, there’s room for improvement.
  • Evaluate Integration: Non profits accounting software should work with other systems in your organization. Seamless integration can significantly improve overall efficiency.

The Implementation Process

Switching accounting software requires planning, organization, and patience. 

  • Choose Wisely: Selecting the right software is crucial. Consider your non profit’s size, needs, and budget.
  • Create a Plan: Develop a detailed implementation plan to ensure a smooth transition. This includes data migration, user training, and testing.
  • Manage the Chaos: Change can be stressful, but with proper planning and communication, you can minimize disruptions.

Fractional CFO services can be a game-changer during this process. At Array Accounting & Consulting, we provide expert guidance, manage the project seamlessly, and ensure everyone stays on track.

Remember, non profits accounting software should be a tool that empowers your non profit, not a burden. It’s time to take control of your finances and unlock your organization’s full potential.

Want to learn more about how to choose the right non profit accounting software? Contact us today for a free consultation. Together, we can elevate your financial reporting and streamline your processes, ensuring your non profit remains efficient, compliant, and ready for future growth.


Not typically. Most modern systems are user-friendly, and with the right training, your current team should be able to adapt. However, this is also an ideal time to consider the benefits of hiring a virtual CFO. A virtual CFO can provide strategic oversight during the transition, ensuring that the software aligns with your financial goals and processes.

Consider allocating funds from your technology budget, seeking specific grants for capacity building, or using a phased approach to spread costs.

Plan the transition during a less busy period, provide thorough training, and consider running parallel systems initially.

Implementation can take anywhere from 1-6 months, depending on the complexity of your organization and the chosen software.

Consider costs for regular updates, technical support, additional user licenses, and potential future customizations.

Many accounting systems offer integration capabilities. Check compatibility with your current systems during the selection process.

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